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When A Friend Becomes A Sister

Seniors (from left to right): Theresa Murray, Danielle Abraham, Sumner LaForge, Margret Finnegan, Alexa Rand, Klaudine Hebert, Heather Mueger, Madigan Petrie, Meghan Galli, Samantha Martin, Kirsten Yascko


With the academic year coming to an end, we could not be more proud of our graduating seniors. This past Sunday, May 5th, we had our first annual Senior Brunch. This time was spent reflecting on the memories our senior sisters have made and appreciating all that they have done for our sisterhood. Each individual has impacted our chapter in grΣΔΤ ways. The legacy they have left behind at Gamma Rho will forever be cherished. We wish them the beSDT of luck in all of their future endeavors!

8 days until graduation...

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

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